So I've wanted a feather headband for a while now... ever since I saw them a a local craft market. So I decided it was time to make it myself (with the itsy-bitsiest help from my sister.............)
Materials: feathers, headband, scrap fabric, soft cardboard or stiff felt, hot glue (I’m just stunning with my Love Glue Gunning), scissors.
1. I didn’t have a nice headband so I used an old one and took the original fabric (black with rainbow stars!) off. And then I cut off long strips of scrap fabric. You can skip this step and the next if you already have a nice headband.
2. I started wrapping the headband with the strips while hot-gluing the top part of the headband. (I didn’t hot-glue the bottom because it might become bumpy and sit uncomfortably on my head).
3. While I set the headband aside to dry off and set, I sorted out a bag of feathers I got from Michael’s. I sorted by size and the kinds of feather I wanted.
4. I cut a piece of soft cardboard into the general shape I wanted to set the feather (see picture). Then I wrapped it in the scrap fabric and glued it together. You can probably skip this step if you have a piece of stiff felt, which I didn't have at the time.
5. I hot-glued the longer feathers on the fabric-covered cardboard first.
6. Then it’s just a matter of layering the feathers into the shape and look you want.
7. When the feather piece is done, hot glue onto headband!
8. Voila! You're a bird!
Cost: The only thing I had to buy were the bag of feathers, which cost $2.50 after the 50% off coupon at Michael’s.